

Telesis Corporation was appointed Housing Program Administrator for the Walker Housing Fund in Dallas, Texas.  The $23.7 million Fund was created under the Housing Supply Plan ordered by the Federal District Court to implement its desegregation order under the Walker Consent Decree.  The Consent Decree was negotiated between the City of Dallas and public housing plaintiffs in the housing discrimination lawsuit known as Debra Walker et al vs. United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, et al. The Court directed the City of Dallas to establish a Housing Fund to be used for creating and obtaining in areas of non-minority concentration in the Dallas metropolitan area, affordable housing for persons eligible for low rent public housing on terms substantially equivalent to the terms on which public housing is available.

As the Housing Program Administrator, Telesis was responsible for developing program procedures, marketing the Housing Fund program and soliciting development proposals, providing technical assistance for proposal development and financial packaging, analyzing and preparing recommendations on development proposals, executing and administering development contracts with project sponsors, and monitoring property management compliance with Walker Housing Fund set-aside requirements.